
The Power Of “Mommy” In ALIENS (1986)

In 1986 I was 9 years old, so movies like Aliens I just wouldn’t normally see. But it was one of those movies I would hear about. My friend in grade school described the entire movie to me scene by scene. I was enthralled. Then I finally saw it, then preceded to see it over and over and over. It’s one of all time favorties I’ve seen countless times like Die Hard and Terminator 2. I had the tv edit recorded on vhs, the dvd, the blu-ray, and now the 4k version just came out. So I have to buy it again! But I do it gladly.

Directed by James Cameron, his 3rd movie, Aliens is a landmark in science fiction and horror cinema, celebrated for its intense action, groundbreaking effects, and memorable characters. Among the many powerful moments in the film, one line stands out for its emotional resonance and thematic depth: “Mommy.” This one word, uttered by the young character Newt (Carrie Henn) at the climax of the film, encapsulates the range of complex emotions that built during what James Cameron himself describes it on the director’s commentary as “200 miles of bad road.”

Newt is found by Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) when she and the soldiers land on LV426. Newt is too traumatized to talk at first, but Ripley breaks down her defenses and becomes a surrogate mother to the child. The bond that forms between Ripley and Newt is central to the emotional core of the film contrasting sharply with the film’s relentless tension and horror. This is something Cameron, who also wrote the screenplay, excels at in of all his films. Example is Titanic, which was described as a Love Story, that just so happened during the sinking of the “unsinkable” ship. The core of everyone of his films is the relationships.

Aliens is a film deeply rooted in themes of motherhood and protection. The original 1986 theatrical release omitted some important scenes for the sake of time. The extended version included those scenes, one of them being perhaps the most impactful scene where Ripley learns of the death of her own daughter, Amanda, whom she never got to see grow up due to her prolonged hyper-sleep of 57 years. This one scene is why the line “Mommy” carries so much weight. And Newt becomes a surrogate for Amanda, giving Ripley a second chance to fulfill her maternal instincts.

The biggest impact of that line to me personally as a screenwriter is how it so beautifully ties up both Ripley’s and Newt’s character arcs at the same time. From a screenwriting context, it’s the perfect one line and is all that needed to be said to complete their relationship arcs. One of those lines that are so good you get a little jealous. Brilliant writing moments like this are why I love the craft of screenwriting; saying so much in as few words as possible. From a cultural context, Aliens has been praised for its portrayal of strong female characters, the complex dynamics of motherhood, it’s influence on countless films and sparked discussions about gender roles in cinema. And the coolest part of all is that Sigourney was nominated for best actress at the Academy Awards, unheard of at the time for a sci-fi action movie.

From the context of the film, surrounded by the relentless terror of the aliens, “Mommy” becomes a powerful emotional anchor, grounding the narrative in human experience and vulnerability. It’s a moment that contrasts sharply with the high-octane action and suspense, offering a profound climax that allows the audience to connect with the characters on a deeper emotional level. The line encapsulates the film’s ability to balance intense action with deeply human moments, creating a narrative that is both thrilling and emotionally resonant. It’s a line that now brings a tear to my eye, even after countless viewings.

The line “Mommy” appears to be so small, but it is the most significant line of a film that, as a screenwriter, is one of my personal favorites from a writing stand point. It perfectly reflects the enduring power of love, and the instinct to protect those we care about, even in the face of overwhelming odds. This beautifully crafted line is why Aliens is one of my all time favorite films.

Thanks for reading.

Keep writing,


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