advice, Articles, film articles, oscars, screenplay, screenplay structure, screenplay structure breakdown, screenplay tips, screenwriter, screenwriting, three act structure, tips

Story Structure Breakdown: Se7en

Another breaking down structure today with a top ten all time favorite, Se7en, directed by David Fincher, a dark, visceral masterpiece that blew everyone away in 1995. Only his second film, after the much maligned debut Alien 3 (which I actually liked), Fincher proved he was a force to be reckoned with, and has gone on to have an envietable…


advice, Articles, film articles, screenplay, screenplay structure, screenplay structure breakdown, screenplay tips, screenwriter, screenwriting, three act structure, tips

Story Structure Breakdown: Blade Runner – Director’s Cut

The breaking down structure madness continues with one of my all time favorite films, Blade Runner, a science fiction masterpiece that I could watch it every day and still be enthralled. There isn’t a more visually beautiful film out there as far as I’m concerned. The world Ridley Scott created is incredible but also believable, and the special effects hold…


advice, amateur, Articles, screenplay, screenplay structure, screenplay tips, screenwriter, screenwriting, screenwriting services, structure, structure breakdown, three act structure, tips

Screenplay Structure: The Official Article

This article is a LOOOOONG time coming. I’m finally writing about screenwriting structure. After just writing a behemoth article about the structure of Avengers Endgame, I realized I don’t have any articles (period) about structure itself, and it’s a topic I love talking about which is why I’m hoping to write a crap load more about it. And after enjoying…


coverage, Loglines, screenwriter, screenwriting

Screenplay Coverage

My script analysis gets right to the core of what’s working in your screenplay and, most importantly, how I can help you fix what’s not working. If you’re all in and ready to go, you can order by clicking the lovely button below this post. Now the coverage part can vary depending on how deep down the rabbit hole you want to go. On…
