advice, Articles, film articles, screenplay, screenplay structure, screenplay structure breakdown, screenplay tips, screenwriter, screenwriting, three act structure, tips

Story Structure Breakdown: Blade Runner – Director’s Cut

The breaking down structure madness continues with one of my all time favorite films, Blade Runner, a science fiction masterpiece that I could watch it every day and still be enthralled. There isn’t a more visually beautiful film out there as far as I’m concerned. The world Ridley Scott created is incredible but also believable, and the special effects hold…


advice, Articles, comics, film articles, marvel, mcu, screenplay, screenplay structure, screenplay structure breakdown, screenplay tips, screenwriter, screenwriting, structure, three act structure

Screenplay Structure Breakdown: Iron Man

Yes! I’m gonna start doing more of these ’cause they’re fun and I love breaking down structure. I figured after my first one was about the most current film in the MCU, I’d do one on the now classic Iron Man, the one that started it all, and eventually made Robert Downey Jr. one of the highest paid actors ever.…


advice, amateur, Articles, screenplay, screenplay structure, screenplay tips, screenwriter, screenwriting, screenwriting services, structure, structure breakdown, three act structure, tips

Screenplay Structure: The Official Article

This article is a LOOOOONG time coming. I’m finally writing about screenwriting structure. After just writing a behemoth article about the structure of Avengers Endgame, I realized I don’t have any articles (period) about structure itself, and it’s a topic I love talking about which is why I’m hoping to write a crap load more about it. And after enjoying…


Articles, comics, film articles, marvel, mcu, screenplay, screenplay structure, screenplay tips, screenwriter, screenwriting, structure, three act structure, tips

Structure Breakdown: Avengers Endgame

The AVENGERS cray crayness continues with my attempt at breaking down the structure of this THREE HOUR behemoth. Now that it’s been released on home video I’ve been able to spend some real quality time with it, delve deep within, and peel back the layers of the story structure of Avengers Endgame. I love talking about screenplay structure, but if…


advice, film articles, film commentary, screenplay, screenwriter, screenwriting

The 10 Best Screenwriter Film Commentaries (aka My Favorites)

When I first started buying DVD’s (and now Blu-rays) I thought the idea of a writer or director talking over a movie would be annoying and stupid. Until I actually took the time to listen and realized they’re awesome, even becoming the deciding factor on if I want to buy the home version, or no, if it doesn’t have a…


advice, amateur, Articles, screenwriting

Mule Audio Commentary Tim Aucoin

I stroke my ego by giving a little commentary on my short Mule. You can watch the original short below. ——————————————————————————- Get Final Draft! The ONLY screenwriting software I recommend! “I think you’ve finally reached the apex with…

coverage, Loglines, screenwriter, screenwriting

Screenplay Coverage

My script analysis gets right to the core of what’s working in your screenplay and, most importantly, how I can help you fix what’s not working. If you’re all in and ready to go, you can order by clicking the lovely button below this post. Now the coverage part can vary depending on how deep down the rabbit hole you want to go. On…
