advice, Articles, film articles, oscars, screenplay, screenplay structure, screenplay structure breakdown, screenplay tips, screenwriter, screenwriting, three act structure, tips

Story Structure Breakdown: The Batman (2022)

Time for another breaking down structure today with the remarkably incredible The Batman which, so far, is my favorite film of 2022. I don’t always do newer releases, but I wanted to flip the script this time because I was truly blown away with how exceptional this movie is. Matt Reeves dark and grounded approach was such a breath of…


advice, Articles, film articles, netflix, oscars, review, screenplay, screenplay structure, screenplay structure breakdown, screenplay tips, screenwriter, screenwriting, screenwriting services, structure, structure breakdown, three act structure, tips

Story Structure Breakdown: Pulp Fiction

Today I’m going all out with the mother of all breaking down story structure‘s with film-school favorite, Pulp Fiction, directed by Quentin Tarantino, a non-linear, darkly comic, noire masterpiece that officially made QT a household name and a legend. This breakdown is going to be tricky, as the normal structure is there, it’s just in a different order. It’s three…


advice, Articles, film articles, oscars, screenplay, screenplay structure, screenplay structure breakdown, screenplay tips, screenwriter, screenwriting, three act structure, tips

Story Structure Breakdown: Se7en

Another breaking down structure today with a top ten all time favorite, Se7en, directed by David Fincher, a dark, visceral masterpiece that blew everyone away in 1995. Only his second film, after the much maligned debut Alien 3 (which I actually liked), Fincher proved he was a force to be reckoned with, and has gone on to have an envietable…


advice, Articles, film articles, oscars, screenplay, screenplay structure, screenplay structure breakdown, screenplay tips, screenwriter, screenwriting, three act structure, tips

Story Structure Breakdown: Alien

The breaking down structure madness continues with another all time favorite, also directed Mr. Ridley Scott, Alien, a stunning, visual masterpiece that I could easily watch every day. The film broke new ground on many levels: a female hero, the “truckers in space” visual style, the combination of sci-fi and horror, the terrifyingly unique design of the titular Alien beast….but…


oscars, screenplay, screenwriter, screenwriting

A Look At The Oscar Nominated Screenplays Of 2017 (Reviews Coming)

It’s that time of year again, OSCAR TIME!! I’m actually a pretty big nerd about watching the Globes and the Oscars. Some people may hate the self-congratulating, overly-social-conscious-to-the-point-of-it-getting-annoying (see the Globes for what I mean #wegetittheresachangecoming!), but I enjoy watching them, and make a point (or try) to watch all the nominated films before the big night. For the full…
